We celebrate Christabel Andoh, Hub Manager of GrassRoots Hub as Our Social Entrepreneur of the Week. GrassRoots Hub is an eco – entrepreneurship and SDG innovation lab that educates innovates and incubates startups and connects accelerators to leading companies, non–profits, and investors. They work towards sustainable development goals.
Goal 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth by training young women and youth in technology to equip them with digital skills to start up their own businesses.
Goal 17. Partnerships for the Goals by connecting Startups and entrepreneurs to leading companies, research institutions, foundations, non-profits, and investors for mobilizing and sharing knowledge, expertise, technologies, and financial resources to support the achievement of the sustainable development goal.
Contact them on +233 243823177 / +233 200140827
Email: grassrootshubgh@gmail.com
Connect with them on
Facebook: @ GrassRoots hub
LinkedIn: @ GrassRoots_hub
Twitter: @grassrootshubgh
Visit https://zcu.io/B4cH to read more