The African Union (AU) is pleased to announce the call for the submission of project proposals under theme n°10 of the African Women Decade namely “mentoring youth (women and men) to be champions of gender equality and women’s empowerment” which content is as follows: “Energizing the African Women’s movement, and mentoring young women and men leaders and professionals, both in Africa and the Diaspora to be champions on Gender Equality and women’s empowerment”.
Priority Areas
The project or programme should contribute to any of the following:
- Create environment where the African and Diaspora young women’s movement will find a platform to interact and bring paramount and valuable changes to the women condition in Africa
- Sensitize and train youth about the drawbacks and consequences of exclusion, on the fact that no woman or man will be left behind or excluded, on the basis of gender
- Demonstrate its commitment as People-centred and training youth about gender equality and Women’s empowerment
- Engage and empower youth to be gender-sensitive in their approach for decision making, while targeting sustainable development
- Boost African women’s incentives to create movements and initiatives aiming at fully empowering young women in all spheres, and promoting their social, political and economic rights, including the rights to own and inherit property, sign contracts, register and manage businesses, and accessing leadership positions
- Organize the mentorship and championship activities for young rural women and men and create movements or cooperatives that will raise awareness on their rights; and help them have access to productive assets, including land, credit, inputs and financial services.
Funding Information
Proposals will be funded for one year with a ceiling up to thirty thousand dollars ($30,000).
Eligibility Criteria
The Fund will benefit young women and girls through grassroots initiatives, developed by:
- African Union member States
- African Civil Society Organizations working on mentoring youth (women and men) to be champions of gender equality and women’s empowerment
- Youth groups
How to Apply
Applications must be submitted online via given website.
For more information, please visit AU Call for Proposals.