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Can you design a business or NGO that solves one of the distribution challenges below? Girls’ Education, Agriculture, Energy, Global Health, Education, Governance and infrastructures and Customs, if Yes, then D-Prize Distribution equals Developments challenge which focus on aspiring entrepreneurs from anywhere in the world ,of any age and any background is your call. They support new entrepreneurs who increase distribution of proven poverty interventions.
The world has already invented products and services to end poverty, yet the best are not being distributed at mass-scale. if selected we will award you up to $20,000USD to launch a pilot version of your organization in any region where extreme poverty exists. Timeline for the submission include; Early Submission Deadline; October 20th,2019 at midnight PT(Pacific Time) and Regular Submission Deadline; November 10th,2019 at midnight PT (Pacific Time)
To Apply click on the link below; https://static1.squarespace.com/static/58cdcd1f197aea52163b1b51/t/5d76a677a0c55c150266d755/1568056952111/Round+1+Application+Packet%2C+September+2019.pdf



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