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Knight Foundation Journalism 360˚ Challenge 2017 for Immersive Storytelling Projects ($250,000 in funding)

Application Deadline: April 10th 2017

How might we experiment with immersive storytelling to advance the field of journalism?

This is an open call for ideas using immersive storytelling to discover new ways to engage audiences and advance the field of journalism.

Knight Foundation, Google News Lab and the Online News Association are partnering to launch an open call for ideas, offering up to $35,000 in funding to test, refine and build out a project.

Virtual, augmented, mixed reality and 360 video are opening new opportunities for journalists to connect with audiences. In a news environment dominated by two-dimensional digital experiences, this technology allows people to interact with their surroundings and takes them places that they would otherwise not be able to go. At the same time they raise important technical and ethical challenges that journalists need to understand and explore.

For this open call, we want to discover ideas that grow immersive storytelling to advance the field of journalism—that inform and encourage news organizations to innovate, experiment and learn. We believe that developing lessons around this emerging area can help journalists extend and deepen their impact.


  • This challenge is open to anyone, from journalists, technologists, entrepreneurs, gamers, software developers and academics, to news organizations, startups, established businesses, nonprofits and individuals. Focused on early-stage ideas, the challenge encourages building fast, failing fast and learning from the journey.


  • Submit your idea to win a share of $250,000, which we will award in June 2017.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Knight Foundation Journalism 360˚ Challenge 2017 


Knight Foundation Journalism 360˚ Challenge 2017 for Immersive Storytelling Projects ($250,000 in funding)

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