The Nederlands Albert Schweitzer Fonds (NASF) is seeking applications for its Micro Grants to provide direct support to small-scale local initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa. This financial assistance is focused on the development of health care and related issues.
Participation and co-responsibility of the audience are an important evaluation criterion for project applications. All requests are initiated by the target group and implemented by them. The preference is for direct assistance to local organizations. In very exceptional support through foundations in the Netherlands.
Funding Information
The NASF supports each year about 25 projects with a micro grant averaging € 6000
Country Cooperation
In 2017 the NASF will take into account requests from the following countries:
- Uganda
- Kenya
- The Burkina Faso
- Cameroon
- Ghana
- Healthcare
- It was the care with which Albert Schweitzer in Lambaréné (Gabon) wanted to make a contribution to a better world and a dignified existence. The NASF focuses from that thought on health care in a broad context.
- The NASF is convinced that good health is the foundation for sustainable poverty reduction. By focusing on the promotion of health and health care in the projects it supports, the NASF seeks to contribute to sustainable development and self-reliance.
- Small and local
- In developing countries, many people who take matters into their hands in the fight against poverty. These local initiatives are the result of local needs and respecting their environment. The projects supported by the NASF strive for sustainability and self-reliance. They went up by locals and executed. Therefore, the projects have a high probability of success. They are in fact carried out according to their needs and within their own context.
- Startfase
- Starting small and local projects in Africa is often the hardest. The local promoters do not have the required local (financial) resources. This allows them to make major development donors (yet) a chance. Thanks to the start-up of the NASF they can still start their project.
- Sustainable
- Dutch Albert Schweitzer Foundation believes that targeted support to potentially hopeful perspective and bidding activities at the local level has a lasting effect. Indeed, it is shown in several of their partner organizations that they were able to develop further at a later stage due to the start-up of the NASF. This is by generating local funds or through successful fundraising with major donor organizations. The “spin-off” of the NASF-contribution in the longer-term was found to be substantial in these cases.
How to Apply
Interested applicants can download project request form via given website.
For more information, please visit The Nederlands Albert Schweitzer Fonds Micro Grants.